High Profile Incentive Auction, Mobile Holdings, and Open Internet Items Top FCC’s May Open...

The Federal Communications Commission will hold its next open meeting on Thursday, May 15, 2014.  The tentative agenda contains the following four items: Incentive Auction:...

FCC Approves T-Mobile Acquisition of Low-Band Spectrum in Key U.S. Markets

The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau has approved T-Mobile’s acquisition of low-band spectrum from Verizon Wireless.  The deal, announced in January 2014, consists of T-Mobile...

Chairman Wheeler Defends Reserve Spectrum Proposal

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler has formally responded to critics of his proposed spectrum holdings order.  The draft order, expected to be voted on...

RWA Asks Commission to Halt Phase-Down of Legacy USF Support for Competitive Carriers

The Rural Wireless Association, Inc. has asked the Federal Communications Commission to halt the phase-down of Universal Service legacy support because the Mobility Fund...

Commission Adopts AWS-3 Rules

The Federal Communications Commission has adopted a Report and Order setting flexible-use regulatory, licensing, and technical rules for 65 MHz of Advanced Wireless Services-3...

Federal Spectrum Reallocation Bill Introduced in Senate

Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) has introduced the Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency and Value Act of 2014 (S. 2155), a bill that would create a Federal...

AWS-3 Spectrum Auction and Retransmission Consent Issues Set for FCC March Open Meeting

The FCC has released the final agenda for its next open meeting on Monday, March 31, 2014.  It contains the following four items: Unlicensed National...

Tribal Mobility Fund Auction Closes, Winning Bidders Announced

The FCC has issued its public notice closing last week’s Tribal Mobility Fund Phase I reverse auction (Auction 902).  The Auction 902 public notice...

DISH Emerges as Sole H Block Winning Bidder

The FCC has closed Auction 96 for the 1915-1920 MHz and 1995-2000 MHz bands (H Block) and announced that American H Block Wireless L.L.C., which is...

14 Bidders Qualified for Tribal Mobility Fund Auction

The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Wireline Competition Bureau have announced that 14 applicants are qualified to bid in the Tribal Mobility Fund Phase...
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