FCC Defines When 600 MHz Band Licensees Commence Operations
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a Report and Order which clarifies an important aspect of the 600 MHz Broadcast Incentive Auction’s post-auction...
DISH DEs Denied Discount
The FCC voted unanimously to adopt a Memorandum Opinion & Order (Order) denying approximately $3.3 billion in bidding credits to SNR Wireless LicenseCo LLC (SNR)...
Comment Dates Set for Vacant Channel Rulemaking
The FCC has established new comment and reply deadlines for its proceeding to reserve one channel nationwide for shared use by wireless microphones and...
FCC Revises White Spaces Rules
The FCC has released revised rules aimed at encouraging greater deployment of unlicensed White Spaces Devices (WSDs) in both the television bands and the 600...
FCC Acts to Preserve Spectrum for Wireless Microphone Use
The FCC has acted to make spectrum available for continued use by wireless microphones following the upcoming broadcast spectrum auction and repurposing of the...
With Rules in Place, Incentive Auction Set for March 29, 2016; FCC Keeps Reserve...
Parties interested in participating in the 600 MHz Broadcast Incentive Auction (Incentive Auction) should mark March 29, 2016 on their calendars. The FCC at...
FCC Announces Coordination Progress with Mexico
The Federal Communications Commission has announced that it is making progress in its efforts to coordinate the TV and wireless spectrum bands with Mexico. The...
August Open Meeting to Have Lengthy Agenda
The Federal Communications Commission will hold its August Open Meeting on Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 10:30 am. The agenda includes the following items:
Comment Deadline in Vacant Channel Rulemaking Suspended
The FCC has suspended comment and reply deadlines in its vacant channel rulemaking until further notice. The FCC action came in response to a...
Chairman Wheeler Announces Big August Open Meeting Agenda
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has released the tentative agenda for its August open meeting, scheduled for August 6, 2015. It contains the...