Carr Announces Staff Appointments in Chairman’s Office and to FCC Leadership


FCC Chairman Brendan Carr has recently announced numerous FCC staff appointments and updates both in the Office of the Chairman and among FCC leadership. The Chairman’s Office appointments include: (1) Scott Delacourt, Chief of Staff for the FCC; (2) Greg Watson, Chief of Staff for the Office of Chairman Carr; (3) Arpan Sura, Senior Counsel – Spectrum and Technology; (4) Danielle Thumman, Senior Counsel – Wireline, Public Safety, and Consumer Protection; (5) Erin Boone, Senior Counsel –Media and Enforcement; (6) Adam Chan, National Security Counsel; (7) Anthony Patrone, Legal Advisor; (8) Callie Coker, Legal Advisor; (9) Matt Mittelstaedt, Director, FCC’s Office of Legislative Affairs; (10) Stephanie Chambless, Special Counsel, Office of the General Counsel; (11) Drema Johnson, Confidential Assistant, Office of Chairman Carr; and (12) Mark Stephens, Managing Director. 

As for FCC leadership positions, appointments (all to Acting positions) as of January 24, 2025 include: (1) Joel Taubenblatt, Acting Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau; (2) Trent Harkrader, Acting Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau; (3) Erin Boone, Acting Chief of the Media Bureau; (4) Debra Jordan, Acting Chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau; (5) Jacob Lewis, Acting General Counsel; (6) Patrick Webre, Acting Chief of the Enforcement Bureau; (7) Eduard Bartholme, Acting Chief of the Consumer & Government Affairs Bureau; (8) Tom Sullivan, Acting Chief of the Office of International Affairs; (9) Ira Keltz, Acting Chief Engineer, Office of Engineering and Technology; (10) Catherine Matraves, Acting Chief of the Office of Economics and Analytics, and (11) Katie Gorscak, Acting Director of the Office of Media Relations.

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