Bureau Releases List of CAF Phase II Extremely High-Cost Census Blocks


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released a list of census blocks in areas served by price cap incumbent local exchange carriers that have been deemed “extremely high-cost” and are not eligible for Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II model-based support. However, price cap carriers that accept their offer of CAF Phase II support may choose to serve locations in these extremely high-cost census blocks instead of serving locations in supported census blocks in order to meet their deployment obligations in a state. Additionally, the extremely high-cost census blocks will be included in the reverse auction that will occur after price cap carriers accept or decline the offer of CAF Phase II model-based support. The list only contains census blocks in which all locations are above the extremely high-cost threshold. It is available for download at https://transition.fcc.gov/wcb/CAM43_EHCT_CBs.zip.

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