Broadband Privacy Rule Effective Dates Announced


A summary of the FCC’s new broadband privacy rules has been published in the Federal Register. The rules pertaining to the basis and purpose, definitions, business customer exemption, BIAS ban on take-it-or-it programs, and preemption of state law become effective January 3, 2017. The data security requirements set forth in rule section 64.2005 will become effective March 2, 2017. However, the notice requirements in rule section 64.2003, the customer approval requirements in rule section 64.2004, data breach notification requirements in rule section 64.2006, and the BIAS notice of financial incentive programs in rule section 64.2011(b) each contain information collection requirements that have not yet been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMG) and will not be effective until the FCC publishes a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective dates of these rules upon OMB approval.

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