AT&T Agrees to Pay $450,000 to Settle FCC Investigation of Unauthorized Wireless Operations


The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau (EB) has reached a $450,000 settlement with AT&T, Inc. (AT&T) to resolve an investigation into whether AT&T operated fixed wireless stations without authorization or without filing required license modification notices. The EB’s investigation revealed that AT&T operated numerous common carrier fixed point-to-point microwave stations throughout the United States outside the parameters of FCC authorizations. The EB began its investigation in 2012, with AT&T reporting in August 2014 that it had discovered numerous inconsistencies between the licensed parameters and the constructed facilities of a large number of fixed microwave licenses that it acquired between 2009 through 2012. The EB investigated the licensing history of approximately 250 AT&T stations to determine the extent of the unauthorized operations. In January 2015, the Commission adopted a Notice of Apparent Liability proposing a $640,000 forfeiture for AT&Ts unauthorized operations. As part of the settlement agreement, AT&T will voluntarily pay $450,000, and implement a compliance plan to timely review fixed wireless microwave stations acquired in future transactions to ensure proper operations. AT&T must also file periodic progress reports on its compliance efforts, and correct any noncompliance discovered during the review process within 60 days of its discovery.



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