Alaska Plan Middle Mile Reporting Deadline Extended to August 1 Pending Software Fix


The first filing deadline for Alaska Plan middle-mile data submissions has been extended from July 2, 2018 to August 1, 2018. The FCC’s Wireline Competition and Wireless Telecommunications Bureaus (Bureaus) found a short extension to be necessary and appropriate to ensure that carriers have sufficient time to submit middle-mile data to the High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) portal and that the HUBB portal is able to accept all of carriers’ data. Specifically, USAC is updating the HUBB software so that carriers with locations with multiple “node types” (e.g., central office, mobile switching center, peering point) can list them all.  The Bureaus advise Alaska Plan carriers not file until USAC announces that it has completed its software fix.  Carriers that already filed and listed one location “node type” will be required to refile with all applicable node descriptors for each location.

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