ACP to End Barring Congressional Action


Barring further Congressional appropriations, the FCC anticipates that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) funding will last through April 2024, running out completely in May.  The end of this program would mean that nearly 23 million rural, suburban, and urban households are at risk of losing internet access.  The FCC has released an Order that details the wind-down of the ACP.  The ACP will stop accepting new enrollments on February 7, 2024.  By January 25, broadband providers will send an initial notice to all of their ACP subscribers that previews the possible end of the ACP and the impact on the households’ broadband bills once the ACP benefit is no longer available. 

On January 10, the bipartisan Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act was introduced in the House and Senate, which would provide $7 billion for the ACP.   

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