Acceptances of Further Revised A-CAM Offers Announced


175 rate-of-return companies electing 210 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support in 39 states have been authorized by the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) to receive additional support in conjunction with the FCC’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order that opened up approximately $36.5 million of additional ACAM support for rate-of-return carriers.  Under the second revised offer, all supported locations with costs above $52.50 would be funded up to a per-location fund cap of $146.10.  In May 2018, the Bureau released a public notice which announced revised support amounts and corresponding deployment obligations and gave affected carriers 45 days to accept the revised offer.  This information is available at  The Bureau has directed the Universal Service Administrative Company to disburse the revised support amounts over the 10-year term for each accepting carrier.

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