FCC Seeks Comment on AWS-3 Spectrum Auction Procedures


The FCC has released a Public Notice seeking comment on proposed bidding procedures for the AWS-3 spectrum reauction, designated as Auction 113.  Specifically, the FCC proposes to use a clock-1 format in which entities would be able to bid for specific licenses in the clock bidding rounds, in license-by-license bidding.  The AWS-3 spectrum refers to the following spectrum bands: 1695-1710 MHz, 1755-1780 MHz, and 2155-2180 MHz. 

The Commission had initially auctioned this spectrum in Auction 97, but certain winning bidders affiliated with DISH later decided to turn in certain licenses due to a bidding credit issue.  A list of available licenses can be found here.  Comments on the Public Notice are due on April 10, 2025, and reply comments are due by April 25, 2025

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