FCC Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Two E-Rate Programs


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (the Bureau) has announced that there is sufficient funding available to meet the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) estimated demand for category one and category two requests for funding year 2021 E-Rate supported services.

USAC has estimated that the total demand for the E-Rate program for funding year 2021 will be $3.03 billion, including $1.69 billion in category one services and $1.34 billion in category two services.  The funding cap will be $4.27 billion.  An additional $500 million in unused funds from previous funding years will be available for E-Rate funding year 2021 use. 

The Bureau has directed USAC to fully fund eligible category one and category two requests. 

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