WCB Seeks Nominations for Six USAC Board Member Positions


The Federal Communications Commission’s (Commission) Wireless Competition Bureau (WCB) has issued a Public Notice seeking nominations for six Board member positions on the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) Board of Directors to serve a three-year term. The Commission recommends having Board members with areas of expertise relevant to running large and complex organizations, specifically with skills such as accounting, finance, procurement, and data management. The available Board positions are as follows:

  • Representative for libraries, that are eligible to receive discounts
  • Representative for cable operators
  • Representative for schools, that are eligible to receive discounts
  • Representative for commercial mobile radio service providers
  • Representative for state consumer advocates
  • Representative for incumbent local exchange carriers

If the relevant industry is unable to reach a consensus on a candidate, then the Chairman of the Commission will select an individual. All nominations must be filed with the Office of the Secretary by October 18, 2019.

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