Guidance Provided on 2019 Lifeline Recertification; Notices Due August 31, 2018


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has provided guidance to eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) desiring to elect for the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to perform Lifeline rolling re-certifications for their subscribers in 2019.  Carriers should note that notice of this election for 2019 must be made this year between July 16, 2018 and August 31, 2018.  These elections will be made by way of an online USAC form that is not yet available but for which information is forthcoming.  ETCs that do not make an election by the August 31, 2018 deadline will be responsible for the recertification of their Lifeline subscribers except in states where the National Verifier, a state Lifeline administrator, or another state agency is responsible for the annual Lifeline eligibility recertification.

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