Six USAC Board Members Appointed by FCC Chairman Pai


FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has named six individuals to the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).  On September 13, 2017, the FCC released a public notice soliciting nominations, and pursuant to Section 54.703(c)(3) of the Commission’s rules, Chairman Pai has formally nominated the following individuals:  (1)  Joan H. Wade, Ed.D, Executive Director, Association of Educational Service Agencies, representative for schools that are eligible for discounts under Section 54.501; (2) Ellis Jacobs, Senior Attorney, Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc., representative for low-income consumers; (3) Joseph Gillian, Consultant, Gillian Associates, representative for local exchange carriers; (4) Katharine Hsu Wibberly, Ph.D., Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center, representative for rural health care providers that are eligible to receive supported services pursuant to Section 54.601; (5) Geoffrey A. Feiss, General Manager, Montana Telecommunications Association, representative for ILECs (non-RBOCs) with $40 million or less in annual revenues; and (6) Atilla Tinic, Senior VP of Enterprise Business Support Systems and International IT, CenturyLink, representative for interexchange carriers with annual operating revenues of $3 billion or less.   The new USAC Board members will be seated prior to its next scheduled meeting starting January 25, 2018.

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