FCC Affirms Bresnan/T-Mobile Waiver Decision; Requires Reporting


The Federal Communications Commission has denied an application for review, filed by the Rural Wireless Association, Inc., of a 2016 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Mobility Division Order. In that Order, the Division granted to T-Mobile License LLC a conditional waiver of Section 27.14(g)(1) of the Commission’s rules, which absent the waiver would have accelerated—by two years, to June 13, 2017—the end of the license term and related 70 percent geographic-area construction requirement for three 700 MHz licenses.

Although the Commission denied RWA’s Application for Review, it granted its separate request that T-Mobile be required to file construction notifications demonstrating its geographic coverage for each license area as of June 13, 2017. If T-Mobile fails to satisfy a performance condition under the waiver, it would only retain the geographic portion of the relevant license area it served as of June 13, 2017 (the end of term for each of the three licenses absent the waiver).

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