First Batch of AWS-3 Applications Accepted for Filing


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) has announced by public notice an initial batch of AWS-3 license applications that have been accepted for filing and now are subject to public review. Among the Auction 97 winning bidders whose applications were accepted for filing are AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and various regional, small and rural carriers. The applications of DISH bidding entities Northstar Wireless and SNR Wireless, which controversially claim over $3 billion of bidding credits, are not listed in the public notice. As for those applications that are listed, petitions to deny are due by March 20, 2015 with oppositions due five business days thereafter by March 27, 2015 and replies due five business days after the opposition deadline by April 3, 2015. The Bureau is still reviewing other AWS-3 applications of Auction 97 winning bidders and will announce their determinations in subsequent public notices.

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