CAC Wants FCC to Regularly Update Broadband.Gov Website


The FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) has called on the FCC to better utilize the website to keep consumers informed about the progress of implementing the National Broadband Plan (NBP).  Following the release of the NBP in 2010, the website was often updated to show the status of the “more than 60 rulemakings and other notice-and-comment proceedings related to [it].”  According to the CAC, the site unfortunately “has not been regularly updated for years,” and recommends the FCC resume using to provide updates on the progress in implementing the NBP.  The CAC suggests the FCC post to the site a yearly broadband action agenda, a “scorecard” to track NBP recommendations, and a broadband performance dashboard that displays progress in meeting the goals of the NBP.  The CAC has also encouraged the FCC to allocate personnel and resources to ensure the site is maintained.

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