WTB Seeks Comment on Waiver Request to Allow Provision of Private, Internal M2M Communications to Businesses on 900 MHz Business/Industrial/Land Transportation Channels


Spectrum Networks Group, LLC (SNG) has filed 111 applications for 900 MHz Business/Industrial/Land Transportation (B/ILT) Pool channels at various locations, and a request for waiver of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules prohibiting authorization of Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) systems on 900 MHz B/ILT channels.  SNG intends to build a network using 900 MHz B/ILT channels to provide communications services to businesses for their private, internal machine-to-machine (M2M) communications needs.  The Enterprise Wireless Alliance has filed an informal opposition to SNG’s applications and waiver request, arguing that SNG proposed a prohibited SMR service, and that grant of the waiver would remove the spectrum from the scarce pool of available 900 MHz frequencies and undermine the rule with an unproven business plan.  The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) is seeking comment on the applications and associated waiver request.  Comments are due July 30, 2014, and replies are due August 11, 2014.

For additional information, please contact Erin Fitzgerald.

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