WCB Seeks Comment on Emergency Connectivity Fund


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB or Bureau) has released a Public Notice seeking comment on the implementation of the Emergency Connectivity Fund.  The Emergency Connectivity Fund, a $7.1 billion program, was established as part of the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act.  This program will fully reimburse schools and libraries for reasonable costs associated with eligible equipment, advanced telecommunications and information services.  The WCB seeks comment on: (1) eligible equipment and services; (2) program administration; (3) eligibility requirements for schools and libraries; (4) prioritization of funds; and (5) reasonable support amounts, among other issues.

The FCC is mandated to implement this program no later than May 10, 2021.  Comments on the implementation of this program are due April 5, while reply comments are due April 23.

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