WCB Announces Launch of National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in Eleven States


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB or Bureau) has issued a Public Notice announcing the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) for all new Lifeline enrollments in Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.  For all consumers applying for Lifeline service, starting October 23, 2019, eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) will be required to use the National Verifier’s eligibility determination process.  Annual recertification will also be conducted by the National Verifier in these eleven states.

Consumers can begin to check their eligibility for Lifeline service by using the consumer portal available at CheckLifeline.org.  Consumers and service providers will be able to submit online, or mail, Lifeline program forms and documentation to USAC for review. Additionally, USAC will be contacting ETCs in the relevant states to provide details regarding additional training opportunities.

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