USTelecom Wants FCC to Forbear from More Outdated ILEC Rules


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau is seeking comment on a petition filed by the United States Telecom Association (USTelecom) that requests the FCC forbear from enforcing “various outdated regulatory requirements” applicable to incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).  According to USTelecom, the relief it requests will promote the deployment of next-generation high-speed networks and fulfill the FCC’s goals of expanding infrastructure investment and increasing competition for services.  A few of the regulatory requirements for which USTelecom is seeking forbearance include provisions in Sections 271 and 272 of the Communications Act and related equal access rules, structural separations requirements, and the requirement that an ILEC provide an unbundled 64 kbps voice channel where it has replaced a copper loop with fiber.  Comments on USTelecom’s petition or oppositions to the petition are due on or before December 5, 2014.  Reply comments or replies to oppositions are due December 22, 2014.  Filings should be made in WC Docket No. 14-192.

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