Tariff Procedures Announced for 2017 Broadband-Only Loop Service; Filing Deadlines Fall around Holidays


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has issued an Order establishing procedures for the filing of access charge tariffs and Tariff Review Plans for rate-of-return (ROR) LECs that decide to offer broadband-only loop service as of January 3, 2017. The procedures are intended to guide carriers in making the necessary cost allocations and tariff filings to implement the new support mechanisms and to establish Consumer Broadband-only Loop rates, if they so choose.  The procedures apply regardless of whether the service is offered on either a tariffed or detariffed basis and whether the LEC elects model-based support or Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support.

LECs that wish to tariff 2017 Consumer Broadband-only Loop rates must file their 15-day notice access tariffs by December 19, 2016, with petitions to suspend or reject tariff filings due by December 27 and replies by December 30.   Filings requiring seven days’ notice (e.g., rate reductions) must be filed by December 27, 2016, with petitions to suspend or reject due by December 29 and replies by December 30.

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