Rubio Introduces Wireless Innovation Act in Senate


Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has introduced S. 2473, the “Wireless Innovation Act of 2014.”  The bill is intended to reallocate spectrum used by the federal government for commercial wireless services, ensure greater transparency and accountability of the federal government’s spectrum use, and promote wireless innovation and deployment.  S. 2473 would mandate the reallocation of 200 MHz of federal government spectrum for commercial wireless services, including 140 MHz for exclusive licensed use.  Further, the legislation would incentivize federal agencies to reallocate spectrum by allowing portions of the spectrum proceeds to be made available for advance planning and enhanced efficiency, including research and development and cost and technical assessments on future reallocation of additional spectrum.  AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint have all expressed support for the bill.  S. 2473 has been referred to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for consideration.

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