RDOF Eligible Areas Released; Challenges Due April 10


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released the preliminary list and map of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Phase I eligible areas for Auction 904. The list is available on the FCC’s Auction 904 website at www.fcc.gov/auction/904, and the map is available at https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/maps/auction-904-preliminary-eligible-areas. Through a limited challenge process, parties have the opportunity to identify by April 10, 2020 census blocks that fall into one of the following three categories: (1) presumptively eligible areas that have voice and 25/3 Mbps or better broadband services since June 30, 2019, but may not be reflected in Form 477 data; (2) areas with enforceable commitments (by a federal or state broadband subsidy) to offer 25/3 Mbps or better broadband; and (3) rate-of-return service areas where carriers do not expect to extend broadband pursuant to universal service deployment obligations. Comments with challenges must be filed in WC Docket No. 19-126 by April 10, 2020.

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