PSHSB Announces IoT Labeling Administrator Application Filing Window


The Federal Communications Commission’s (Commission) Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB) has released a Public Notice announcing that the 15-day filing window for applications from entities seeking designation by the Commission as a Cybersecurity Labeling Administrator (CLA) and Lead Administrator under the Cybersecurity Labeling for Internet of Things (IoT) Program (Program) will open on September 11, 2024 and close October 1, 2024.  CLAs will be authorized to certify use of the FCC IoT Label, which includes the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark, by manufacturers whose products are found to be in compliance with Program rules.  The Lead Administrator will: (1) act as a liaison between the Commission and CLAs; (2) conduct stakeholder outreach to identify, develop, and recommend technical standards and testing procedures for IoT products; and (3) develop and execute a plan for a consumer education campaign.

The Public Notice also provides determinations regarding application format, filing fees, selection criteria, sharing of expenses, Lead Administrator neutrality, and confidentiality and security requirements.

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