NTIA Awards Digital Equity Capacity Grants to Six Jurisdictions


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has awarded Digital Equity Capacity Grants to Delaware, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico.  Delaware has been awarded $4.82 million to support assistance for library patrons and information technology industry workforce training.  Louisiana has been awarded $12.7 million to create a statewide framework for digital skills attainment and to develop a strategy to create sustainable access to low-cost technology and devices.  NTIA has awarded Missouri $14.2 million to establish a program to support affordability, digital skills, and access to low-cost, large screen devices. 

NTIA has awarded Oklahoma $11.2 million to support a device refurbishing program and expand telehealth services.  Tennessee will receive $15.8 million to support the TN State Library and Archives Grant program and a Broadband Access Grant program to provide digital skills training, outreach on low-cost Internet options, and free or reduced household broadband subscriptions.  Puerto Rico will receive $9.8 million to support digital literacy skills in workforce development.

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