New CALEA Electronic Filing System Now Available for Voluntary Filing of System Security and Integrity Plans


The FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) has announced the availability of the new Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) Electronic Filing System (CEFS). Entities subject to CALEA may now voluntarily submit their System Security and Integrity (SSI ) Plans electronically. Pursuant to Section 105 of CALEA, and FCC Rule Section 1.20005, all providers subject to CALEA must file their SSI Plans prior to commencing service, and re-file updated SSI Plans within 90 days of any changes to the information filed. The FCC currently require entities to file SSI Plans by paper and announced in June of 2022 the upcoming launch of the CEFS for voluntary filings. The CEFS platform links to the Commission Registration System (CORES) to reduce the need for filers to re-enter basic information. The system also allows users to log back in to view or retrieve the filing. 


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