Mobile Voice and Broadband Form 477 Data Released


The FCC’s Office of Economics and Analytics, in conjunction with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Wireline Competition Bureau, has released a Public Notice announcing the availability of updated data on voice and broadband deployments using both fixed and mobile wireless services.  The updated carrier data, collected using FCC Form 477, reflects carrier deployments made through June 30, 2018.  Fixed Deployment data are available for download here and Mobile Deployment Data are available for download here. The FCC’s updated and searchable Fixed Broadband Deployment Map can be found here.  For data on fixed broadband deployment, users can download data on the census blocks where providers report offering fixed broadband services to at least part of the block.  These data tables also indicate the technology used to offer the service and maximum advertised download and upload speeds for both consumer and business fixed broadband services.  All data sets are available in comma separate value (CSV) format, for both the entire United States and individual states.

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