International Traffic and Revenue Reporting Requirements Temporarily Waived


The FCC’s International Bureau has granted, on its own motion, a temporary waiver of the international traffic and revenue reporting requirements.  The Traffic and Revenue Reports require international telecommunications service providers to report annually their traffic and revenue for international voice services, miscellaneous services, and common carrier private lines.  On March 23, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to eliminate these reports.  The Commission believes that traffic and revenue data collection is no longer necessary to provide insight into the competitiveness of the international services markets, and that preparation of these reports places a significant burden on both the filing entities and the FCC.  The waiver is intended to prevent service providers from incurring the expense of preparing these reports in the event that the Commission adopts its proposal to eliminate them.  Under the waiver, filing entities will still maintain their traffic and revenue data in case the FCC identifies a need for some form of a reporting requirement.  The waiver will remain in effect until 60 days after the release of a Commission Order concerning these reporting requirements.

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