FCC to Consider Seven Items at April 20, 2017 Open Meeting


The FCC has released the April 20, 2017 meeting agenda and will consider the following items:

Connect America Fund; ETC Annual Reports and Certifications; Developing a Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime: The FCC will consider an Order on Reconsideration that would amend the construction project limitation to permit carriers to report, for universal service purposes, capital expenses per location up to the established per-location per-project limit, rather than disallowing all capital expenses associated with construction projects in excess of the limit.

Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment:  The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Notice of Inquiry, and Request for Comment that would propose to remove regulatory barriers to infrastructure investment, suggest changes to speed the transition from copper networks and legacy services to next-generation networks and services dependent on fiber, and propose to reform FCC regulations that are raising costs and slowing broadband deployment.

Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment; Revising the Historic Preservation Review Process for Wireless Facility Deployments: The FCC will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry that commences an examination of the regulatory impediments to wireless network infrastructure investment and deployment.

Business Data Services in an Internet Protocol Environment; Technology Transitions; Special Access for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers; AT&T Corporation Petition for Rulemaking to Reform Regulation of Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Rates for Interstate Special Access Services:  The FCC will consider a Report and Order that recognizes the strong competition present in the business data services market and modernizes the FCC’s regulatory structure to bring new technologies, products, and services to businesses and consumers.

National Television Multiple Ownership Rule: The FCC will consider an Order on Reconsideration to reinstate the UHF discount used to calculate compliance with the national television audience reach cap.

Noncommercial Educational Station Fundraising for Third-Party Non-Profit Organizations: The FCC will consider a Report and Order that would adopt rules permitting NCE stations not funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to alter or suspend regular programming to conduct fundraising for third-party non-profit organizations so long as such stations do not spend more than one percent of their total annual airtime on such activities.

Promoting Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services; Amendment of Part 1 Concerning Practice and Procedure, Amendment of CORES Registration System: The FCC will consider an Order on Reconsideration that would allow noncommercial broadcasters greater flexibility to use a Special Use FRN for ownership reporting purposes.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am, and will be shown online at www.fcc.gov/live.

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