FCC Releases Key Deadlines for Connected Care Pilot Program Participants


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released a Public Notice announcing key deadlines for Connected Care Pilot Program Participants.  This follows the FCC’s June 21 Second Report and Order that provided guidance on the administration of the Pilot Program, including instruction on invoicing, competitive bidding, eligible services, and data reporting for selected participants. 

The following dates are applicable to all Pilot Program projects announced in January and June 2021: (1) all participants must provide updated contact information to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by August 27; (2) the deadline to post initial FCC Form 461 (Request for Services Form) on the USAC website is January 17, 2022; and (3) the deadline to submit initial FCC Form 462 (Funding Request Form) to USAC for selected projects is February 14, 2022.

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