FCC Provides Guidance on Using USAC to Perform 2016 Lifeline Recertification


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released a Public Notice that provides guidance regarding the process for Lifeline providers to elect the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to perform the Lifeline recertification for their subscribers in 2016.  Pursuant to the FCC’s rules, Lifeline providers must annually recertify their subscribers themselves or have USAC perform the recertification process on their behalf.  If using USAC for the 2016 recertification, Lifeline providers must provide notice to USAC of their intent to do so by May 2, 2016.  Any Lifeline provider that used USAC to perform the recertification in 2015 will be presumed to elect USAC to perform the recertification in 2016 unless the provider notifies USAC otherwise by May 2, 2016.  Lifeline providers should notify USAC of their decisions by sending an email to LIVerifications@usac.org.  In the coming weeks, USAC will provide further guidance regarding what information should be provided in the notification email.

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