FCC Proposes to Streamline International Reporting Requirements


The FCC’s International Bureau has announced the opening of a docket to review FCC Rule Section 43.62 that sets forth reporting requirements for domestic providers of international services. The draft NPRM proposes to eliminate FCC Rule Section 43.62(b), which requires international service providers to annually file reports detailing traffic and revenue for international voice services, miscellaneous services, and common carrier private lines.  The Commission submits that these requirements may no longer be necessary given the competitive nature of the international telecommunications sector. The draft NPRM also seeks comment on ways to streamline the circuit capacity reports required under Rule Section 43.62(a). Currently, international telecommunications service providers must annually file reports identifying submarine cable, satellite, and terrestrial capacity between the United States and foreign points. The FCC requests information on alternatives for that data, the costs of preparing these report, and whether the FCC should release only regional data, without identifying individual submarine cable operators.

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