FCC Opens 6 GHz Band to VLP Device Operations


The FCC has adopted new rules to expand very low power (VLP) device operations across the entire 6 GHz band alongside other unlicensed and WiFi-enabled devices.  Specifically, the Report and Order that the Commission has adopted permits the VLP class of unlicensed devices to operate across 350 megahertz of spectrum in the U-NII-6 (6.425-6.525 GHz) and U-NII-8 (6.875-7.125 GHz) portions of the 6 GHz band at the same power levels and technical/operational protections as recently approved for the U-NII-5 (5.925-6.425 GHz) and U-NII-7 (6.525-6.875 GHz) bands while protecting incumbent licensed services that also operate in the 6 GHz band.  Such VLP devices will have no restriction on locations where they may operate and will not be required to operate under the control of an automatic frequency coordination system.  The devices will be required to employ a contention-based protocol and implement transmit power control and will be prohibited from operating as part of a fixed outdoor infrastructure.

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