FCC Names Two Members to Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations


The FCC has released an Order appointing two new individuals to the Federal-State Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations. Those individuals are:

Honorable John Gavan, Commissioner, Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Commissioner Gavan was appointed to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission by Gov. John Hickenlooper in December 2018 and confirmed by the Colorado State Senate in January 2019. A U.S. Navy veteran, Commissioner Gavan was formally a member of the Board of Directors for Delta-Montrose Electric Association, and served as a board member for Delta County (Colorado) Economic Development, Tri-State General and Transmission Association, and Solar Energy International. Earlier in his career, Commissioner Gavan worked for 19 years with MCI Communications. Commissioner Gavan replaces the Honorable Wendy R. Moser, also a Commissioner on the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.

Honorable Dan Lipshultz, Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Commissioner Lipshultz was appointed to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission by Gov. Mark Dayton. Commissioner Lipshultz has practiced law in the areas regulated by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission for over 25 years as both a public and private sector attorney. Some of Commissioner Lipshultz’s positions included: partner in the Minneapolis-based law firm of Moss & Barrett, P.A.; Assistant General counsel for a telecommunications carrier; Assistant Attorney General and lead counsel in the Minnesota Attorney General’s Residential Small Business Utilities Division; and attorney in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s Legal Division. Commissioner Lipshultz replaces the Honorable Travis Kavulla, a Commissioner on the Montana Public Service Commission.

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