FCC Initiates Rulemaking on Alaska’s Connectivity Challenges


The FCC has adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, initiating a rulemaking to evaluate how the universal service high-cost support program can fund fixed and mobile broadband services in Alaska, which is difficult to serve because of rugged terrain, cold climate, and other unique challenges.  The FCC is seeking comment to determine the most effective methodologies and uses for future universal service funding for high-cost fixed and mobile services in Alaska.  The Commission also seeks comment to understand changes in technology and broadband funding that have occurred in Alaska since 2016, which is when the Commission established the 10-year Alaska Plan to address Alaska’s fixed and mobile connectivity needs.

The FCC has also adopted a Report and Order, which clarifies Commission rules to improve the administration of the high-cost support program.  The Report and Order also: (1) changes provider annual reporting and certification obligations; (2) streamlines merger processes for rate-of-return local exchange carriers; and (3) modifies FCC oversight rules.

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