FCC Grants CAF II Non-Compliance Waiver for RiverStreet and Seeks Comment on Related Acquisition of Certain Census Block Groups by Empower


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released a Public Notice addressing multiple matters related to the acquisition of RiverStreet Communications of Virginia, Inc’s Connect America Fund Phase II Auction support and related buildout and service obligations in Virginia by Empower.  The Bureau first seeks public comment on the domestic section 214 application filed seeking FCC consent for the acquisition of CAF II census block groups by Empower.  The Bureau also seeks public comment on Empower’s request to waive certain service milestones, certification requirements, and non-compliance measures for the census block groups it is being assigned.  Comments on these matters are due by June 3 and reply comments are due by June 10.

Furthermore, the Bureau has granted a request for limited waiver filed by RiverStreet of the six-month timeframe for a CAF II support recipient to pay the required support recovery if it is in non-compliance Tier 4.  With the granted waiver, RiverStreet will have until June 30, 2024 to pay the required support recovery amount or certify offering services to enough locations to move into a lower non-compliance tier before the Universal Service Administrative Company draws on RiverStreet’s letter of credit.

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