FCC Eliminates Unnecessary and Outdated Cellular Service Rules


In an effort to repeal outdated rules and modernize the Cellular Service Rules, the FCC has adopted an order eliminating obsolete and unnecessary regulatory burdens applicable to the Cellular Service and other Part 22 licensees that are not imposed on other commercial wireless service licensees. The FCC believes its action will allow licensees to focus resources on investment in new technologies and services to meet increasing consumer demand. Among the actions taken, the FCC eliminates administrative and record keeping requirements, including Rule Section 22.303, which requires retention of hard copies of station authorizations and other station records. The FCC also eliminates the outdated requirement of Rule Section 22.325 requiring licensees to maintain station control points and personnel on duty at those control points. The FCC also abolishes duplicative rules that are found in other rule parts pertaining to the operation of mobile stations, operational control of mobile devices, and equal opportunities regulations.


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