FCC Confirms Annual CPNI Certifications Due by March 1, 2018


The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released a Public Notice (PN) reminding telecommunications and interconnected VOIP providers that the annual CPNI certification documenting compliance with the FCC’s CPNI rules is due on or before March 1, 2018, for data pertaining to the previous calendar year, 2017. Carriers must submit both a certification and accompanying statement explaining how their operating procedures ensure compliance with the FCC’s CPNI rules, even if the carrier does not use CPNI for marketing purposes. In June of 2017, the FCC reinstated the CPNI rules that were in effect before the adoption of new rules in the 2016 Broadband Privacy Order that also applied to broadband internet service providers (ISPs) which were subsequently repealed. At that time, the FCC stated that absent any further action, carriers subject to the annual compliance certification requirement must file such certification by March 1, 2018. By the subject PN, the Bureau confirms this requirement and reminds companies that failure to comply with the CPNI rules, including the annual certification requirement, may subject them to enforcement action, including monetary forfeitures of up to $196,387.00 for each violation or each day of a continuing violation, up to a maximum of $1,963,870.40.

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