FCC Annual Regulatory Fee Payments Due Sept. 26, 2017


The FCC has announced its fiscal year 2017 regulatory fee schedule. Pursuant to its 2017 appropriation, the Commission will collect $356,710,992 in regulatory fees. Of that amount, the Commission projects approximately $22.17 million in fees from International Bureau regulatees; $88.69 million in fees from Wireless Telecommunications Bureau regulatees; $115.58 million from Wireline Competition Bureau regulatees; and $130.27 million from Media Bureau regulatees.

Notable changes include increased fees for direct broadcast satellite (DBS) providers, decreased fees for small radio stations, and an increased de minimis fee threshold – if a licensee’s total regulatory fee obligation is $1,000 of less, no payment will be due.

Industry-specific regulatory fee information can be found on the FCC’s website. Fees are due September 26, 2017.

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