FCC Allocates Mid-Band (3.45 GHz) Spectrum for 5G


The FCC has reallocated 100 megahertz in the 3.45 GHz band for flexible use wireless services, by adopting a Second Report and Order, following the Consolidated Appropriations Act mandate for the Commission to begin a “system of bidding” in the 3.45 – 3.55 GHz frequency band by the end of 2021.

The Second Report and Order seeks to balance commercial use with use by federal incumbent users, “ensuring that federal incumbents are still protected from harmful interference where and when they require continued access to the band.” 

The FCC notes that the combined 3.45, 3.5, and 3.7 GHz bands represent some 530 megahertz of contiguous 5G mid-band spectrum to “kickstart the next big digital transformation and connect more people and more things in more places.”

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