FCC Adopts Regulatory Fees Changes


The FCC has adopted a Report and Order implementing changes to the assessment and collection of its annual regulatory fee framework.  Specifically, the FCC has reallocated approximately 19 percent of indirect full-time equivalents as direct after a comprehensive staff analysis found that those indirect FTEs were devoted to work that was sufficiently linked to the oversight and regulation of regulatory fee payors. 

In addition, the FCC has: (1) modified the calculation of television and radio broadcaster regulatory fees; (2) continued to consider operations for on-orbit servicing and rendezvous and proximity operations on a mission-by-mission basis for regulatory fee purposes; (3) clarified that orbital transfer vehicles are responsible for regulatory fees; (4) extended some temporary measures to assist regulatory fee payors experiencing financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic; and (5) declined to permit regulatory fee payors to prepay in installments before the deadline.

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