FCC Adopts Orders to Combat Robocalls


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has taken action to protect consumers from robocalls through two Orders.  In the first Order, Commission adopted restrictions on non-telemarketing robocalls to consumers’ home phones.  Specifically, it amended its rules to limit the number of exempted calls to three calls to any residential phone from any caller within any consecutive 30-day period.

In the second action, the Fourth Report and Order, the Commission requires that terminating voice service providers take preventative steps to ensure that their networks are not used to transmit illegal robocalls.  For instance, voice service providers will be required to immediately notify callers when calls are blocked, provide a list of calls blocked to subscribers on request and provide status updates on call blocking disputes within 24 hours. These voice service providers will also now be required to aid the FCC and law enforcement efforts to identity illegal calls.  In addition, voice service providers’ safe harbor has been expanded to include network-based blocking of calls that are highly likely to be illegal, subject to additional requirements.

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