Comment Sought on Google’s TV Band Database System Registration Procedures


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) is requesting comment on the public trial of a new registration procedure system for Google Inc.’s TV bands database system that was completed on July 17, 2014.  TV bands database systems are designed to support the operation of low power unlicensed transmitting devices on unoccupied spectrum (otherwise known as TV white spaces) within the broadcast television spectrum.  TV white space database administrators, including Google, are required to provide for database registration of certain facilities using the TV band that are to be protected from unlicensed devices and whose operating information is not available from the FCC databases.  Spectrum Bridge, another approved TV band database administrator, has been processing these registrations on Google’s behalf.  Google’s new registration system will replace its current reliance on Spectrum Bridge.  Google has provided a summary report on the trial of its new registration procedures and modified database system to OET.  Comments on the registration system trial are due August 13, 2014; replies will be due August 19, 2014.

For additional information, please contact Erin Fitzgerald.

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