BDTF and OET Seek Comment on Third-Party Mobile Speed Test App


The FCC’s Broadband Data Task Force (BDTF) and the Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) are seeking comment on an application for approval of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s (Georgia Tech) third-party mobile speed test app for use in the FCC’s Broadband Data Collection (BDC) mobile challenge process.  Georgia Tech submitted an application to OET for approval of the mobile speed test app “CellWatch v1.0” to collect and submit BDC mobile challenge data.  Georgia Tech submitted a beta version of the app, sample test data, and a privacy policy for the app.  The BDTF and OET will publish information regarding third-party speed test apps and available data specifications on Commission’s website.  Comments are due October 17, 2024.  Reply comments are due November 1, 2024

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