WCB Seeks Comment on NTCA’s Petition Requesting Waiver of ACP Non-Usage Monitoring Rule


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association requesting that the Commission waive certain Affordable Connectivity Program rules for small broadband internet access providers.  Specifically, for small broadband providers that apply a $75 per month ACP benefit to their bills of qualifying Tribal consumers resulting in a free-to-the-end-user service, NTCA requests modification of the ACP requirement that requires tracking of ACP non-usage every rolling 30-days for subscribers who receive free-to-the-end-user service. 

NTCA argues that many small providers will have difficulty maintaining compliance given that many do not have the automated functionality that this rules requires.  In the alternative, NTCA asks the FCC to delay the effective date of this requirement until September 15, 2022.

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