NASNA Asks FCC for NG 911 Rulemaking


The National Association of State 911 Administrators Association (NASNA) has asked the Federal Communications Commission (Commission, FCC), to initiate a rulemaking or notice of inquiry to assist with the implementation of and transition to next generation 911 (NG 911).  NASNA asks that the Commission establish its authority over originating service providers’ (OSPs) delivery of 911 services through IP-based emergency services networks (ESInets); amend its rules to advance the transition to and implementation of NG911 services; and require that OSPs bear the cost of compliance, except where cost-recovery is provided by state law or regulation.  NASNA also asks that the FCC consider adding a NG 911 Readiness Registry (NG 911 Registry) to its existing text-to-911 or public safety answering point (PSAP) registries, or combine the two and add a NG 911 Registry.

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