Windstream Accepts $174.8 Million in CAF II Funding


Windstream Communications Inc. has accepted $174,895,478 in Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II funding to expand and support broadband service in 17 states. Windstream will receive this amount of support annually for a term of six years, with an option for a seventh year of support. Pursuant to the FCC’s CAF service requirements, Windstream must use support to provide broadband service at speeds of at least 10 Mbps for downloads and 1 Mbps for uploads and meet interim and final deployment obligations. Windstream accepted CAF Phase II support in all of the states it was offered support except for New Mexico. A table showing Windstream’s annual support amount broken down on a state-by-state basis is available from the FCC. The remaining eight price cap carriers that have been offered CAF Phase II support have until August 27, 2015 to decide whether to accept their offers on a state-by-state basis.

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