600 MHz Upfront Payments Due July 1


The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and Incentive Auction Task Force (Task Force) (together, FCC) have announced the upfront payments for Auction 1002 will be due by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on July 1, 2016. The Public Notice provides instructions and other information relating to submitting upfront payments. Each forward auction applicant whose application has  previously been deemed to be complete must submit a timely payment in order to become qualified to bid. Recently, the FCC announced that 99 of the 104 applications received to participate in Auction 1002 have been deemed complete.  An upfront payment calculator will soon be made available on the Commission’s website to assist an applicant in determining its upfront payment amount. All upfront payments must be made by wire transfer in in accordance with instructions provided in the Public Notice. No other payment method is acceptable.

The Auction 1002 Qualified Bidders Public Notice will be released after the upfront payment deadline and at least 15 business days before bidding in the initial stage of Auction 1002 begins. The Auction 1002 Qualified Bidders Public Notice will also announce additional dates and details about Auction 1002.  In addition, details about practice using the Auction System and mock auction participation prior to the start of bidding will be provided in a future public notice.

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