3.5 GHz CBRS Initial Commercial Deployment Trials Commence


Initial commercial deployment (ICD) trials in the 3.5 GHz Citizen Broadband Radio Services (CBRS) band are underway following the FCC’s recent approval of five Spectrum Access System (SAS) administrators —Amdocs, CommScope, Federated Wireless, Google, and Sony—to commence ICDs. For instance, one publicly-announced ICD trial currently is being conducted in New York City’s Times Square and reportedly includes such applications as video cameras, public safety communications, voice and video calling, digital signage, and Wi-Fi backhaul. The ICDs remain subject to review by the FCC, which will publicly announce when all SAS Administrators have successfully completed their ICDs and receive final certification.  The first CBRS auction is slated for June 25, 2020 and comment is being sought on proposed procedures.

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